1990 CC 295ml Copa del Mundo 1990 (24 cans)

- Alemania
- Argentina
- Austria
- Bélgica
- Brasil
- Camerún
- Checoslovaquia
- Colombia
- Corea
- Costa Rica
- Egipto
- Holanda
- Inglaterra
- Irlanda
- Italia
- Rumania
- Rusia
- Escocia
- España
- Suecia
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
- Uruguay
- Yugoslavia

There is an error can produced and then replaced. It's the "camerun".
This can was produced with an error on the flag, the "star" on the left
of the flag instead of the middle.
1992 CC 295ml Ciudades Sedes de los Juegos Olímpicos (17

- 1. Atenas 1896
- 2. Paris 1900/1924
- 3. San Louis 1904
- 4. Londres 1908/1948
- 5. Estocolmo 1912
- 6. Amberes 1920
- 7. Amsterdam 1928
- 8. Los Angeles 1932/1984
- 9. Berlin 1936
- 10. Helsinki 1952
- 11. Melbourne 1956
- 12. Roma 1960
- 13. Tokyo 1964
- 14. Mexico D.F. 1968
- 15. Munich 1972
- 16. Montreal 1976
- 18. Seul 1988
The complete series should be of 19 cans. The cans are numbered from 01
to 19.
But the cans: 17. Moscu 1980, 19. Barcelona 1992, were never produced.
It's strange but true!!!
1993 CC 295ml Aladdin set (6 cans)
gray lines-
- Aladdin
- Jasmin
- Genio
- Raja
- Sultan
- Yafar

The cans should be with and without gray obli-lines on the side of the coke cans.
1994 CC 295ml Países
Sedes de la Copa del Mundo (14 cans)

- Uruguay 1930
- Italia 1934
- Francia 1938
- Brasil 1950
- Suiza 1954
- Suecia 1958
- Chile 1962
- Inglaterra 1966
- México 1970
- Alemania 1974
- Argentina 1978
- España 1982
- México 1986
- Italia 1990
There's existing a missprint of the "Suiza 1954" can, with the map of
Suecia instead of the Suiza map on it. *
1997 CC
295ml Siempre Refrescando tu Pasión - Temporada 97-98 (4 cans)
-Baseball League-
- Pitcher
- Batter
- Fielder
- Catcher
1997 CC
355ml Siempre Refrescando tu Pasión - Temporada 97-98 (3 cans)
-Baseball League-
- Pitcher
- Batter
- Fielder
1998 CC 355ml Double
Flags - World Cup '98 (5 cans)
-Patrocinador Oficial Francia 1998-
Fútbol, Sueña Fútbol, Toma Coca-Cola-
- Argentina
- Brasil
- Colombia
- España
- Italia
1998 CC 295ml
Single Flag - World Cup '98 (6 cans)
-Patrocinador Oficial Francia 1998-
- Italia - Colombia - Argentina
- Brasil
- Alemania
- España
There are rumors about a 7th can. But I never seen it.
2002 CC
World Cup 2002 (9 cans)

- Espana
- Brasil
- Inglaterra
- Francia
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Italia
- Alemania
- Portugal
2005 CC 255ml Toma lo
Bueno (4 cans)

- una sonrisa ...
- disfruta ...
- lucha por ...
- lo mejor ...
2006 CC
355ml World Cup '06 (3 cans)

- Woman
- Child 10
- Player 13
2006 CC 355ml Christmas set (10 cans)

CC - Esperienza (santa claus) CC - Alegria (santa claus) *
CC - Alegria (bear)
CC - Compartir (bear)
CC - Amor (bear)
CC - Amistrad (bear)
CL - Esperienza (santa claus)
CL - Alegria (bear)
CL - Compartir (bear)
CL - Amistrad (bear)
2007 CL 355ml Reflect your light (3

- Black
- Silver
- White
2007 various 355ml Christmas set (4 cans)

CC - Amor
CC - "Big Star"
CC - Santa and Bear
CL - Santa and Bear
2008 CC 355ml Vamoa Juga
- Beisbol Set (4 cans)
-Si tu calle te quedò pequena,
-Caimaneras cocacola,
-Estamos hechos de beisbol
- Zulia
- Carabobo
- Aragua - Caracas
2008 CC 355ml Happiness
Factory (6 cans)

- personage black *
- personage brown
- personage slim *
- personage mouth
- personage flying brown *
- personage little blue on the bottle cap *
2008 CC 355ml Happiness
Factory (6 cans)
-Yellow Top: Bs.F. 1,70-
- personage black
- personage brown
- personage slim
- personage mouth
- personage flying brown
- personage little blue on the bottle cap
2008 CC 355ml Olympic
Games Beijing 2008 (3 cans)

2008 CL 355ml Olympic
Games Beijing 2008 (2 cans)

- Black
- White
2009 various 355ml Xmas (2 cans)

CC - Polar Bear
- Santa Claus
2010 CC 355ml World Cup
2010 (2 cans)

- El robot
- El aeroplano
2010 various 355ml Xmas set (2 cans)

CC - santa
2011 CC 355ml Feliz
cumple Venezuela (3 cans)

- -
2013 CC 355ml se un
heroe (3 cans)

- disfruta tus amigos
- comparte sonrisas - destapa tu sonrisa
2013 CC 355ml Xmas set (3 cans)

- Yo tambien creo en ti. Santa. (xmas ball) - Io creo en
compartir. Santa. (xmas bells) - Yo tambien creo en ti. Santa.
(xmas socks)
2013 CL 355ml Fashion set (5 cans)
-Tributo A la Moda-
2014 CC 355ml Xmas set (2 cans)
-destapa la felicidad-
- xmas tree - xmas ball
2015 CC 355ml Bottle 100th Anniversary (2 cans)
- Bottle with 100th - Bottle with heart